How Do I Prepare for Hair Transplant?

Getting ready for hair restoration surgery

Once you have booked surgery with us, one of our doctors will provide you with a list of instructions that you need to follow before the surgery is performed.

For now, we will mention the most significant ones in descending order from the most important to the least significant ones.

Please also keep in mind that these may vary depending on the type of procedure that is being performed.

What to do within the days before Hair Transplant

There are several items to include in a hair transplant before and after the procedure. We mention the most critical structures before Hair Transplant here.

To achieve the most desirable results from a hair transplant, the following structures are very critical to the finest results. It’s important to take them seriously and follow them as closely as possible.

  • It is imperative that you follow the instructions given by your doctor regarding the last drink or food you should consume before your surgery in order to avoid complications during your procedure. Patients often need The feeling of dizziness after a procedure is common.
what to not do befor hair surgery 
  • As part of the instructions, it is also outlined what you should and should not do regarding medicine. There is a time when patients should stop taking some medicines, and some of these medicines have to be stopped at a specific time. 

It is recommended that you stop taking aspirin or any other anti-inflammatory medication two weeks prior to surgery, for example. Furthermore, it is necessary to discontinue the use of medications that are used to treat hair loss. The same can be said of some supplements, such as Vitamin B and E, in any form they may be found in, since they may also cause an increase in wound bleeding.

This is also true if you are taking any medication that is going to thin your blood when you are under full-blown anesthesia. It is important that you take the steps necessary to reduce the risk of excessive bleeding in the event that something unfortunate should happen to you during your procedure.

  • There is no doubt that smoking has adverse effects on wound healing and recovery. Therefore, you need to stop smoking a day before the operation.
smoking before hair transplant procedure
  • In order to prepare for the procedure, you must stop drinking alcohol at least three days in advance.

alcohol and hair transplant relation

  • Your hair should not be dyed. As a result of the chemicals that are contained in them, they damage hair follicles.

Recommended structures before Hair Transplant

In order to achieve the best results, there are a few more recommendations that should be taken into account.

  • It is recommended that you do not get your hair cut before your surgery. It is necessary for the donor area to grow to a certain extent in order to have enough donor area for the transplant. It is also worth mentioning that your stitches will be covered after the operation has been performed by them.

Do I have to shave before hairtransplant

  • In order to maximize the results of a surgical procedure, you should stop smoking at least two to one week before the operation and refrain from drinking alcohol during the period before the operation in order to optimize the results.
  • As much as possible, try not to spend too much time in the sun.


As well as this, there are some additional notes that you should consider and discuss with your doctor regarding them.

You should stop taking aspirin, ibuprofen, and arthritis medication a week before your procedure and three days afterward to prevent excessive bleeding during that period. This instruction should also be followed with minoxidil, Rogaine, aspirin, ibuprofen, and arthritis medication.

In summary, follow your doctor’s orders as closely as possible if you want to see the best results.

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